Bowel Cancer Awareness Month is here!
Bowel Cancer Australia’s signature awareness & fundraising event starts today!
Bowel cancer remains Australia’s second deadliest cancer, claiming 103 lives every week.
Over 15,500 Australians are diagnosed with bowel cancer each year (300 a week), including 1,680 people under the age of 50.
Almost 99% of bowel cancer cases can be successfully treated when detected early. My father’s bowel cancer was detected by a test early and he has survive his cancer by more than 5 years now. Other friends and family have not been so lucky. This little test can save your life even if you are a ‘bloke’, no joke!
There are lots of ways you can get involved this June to raise awareness and help support the leading community-funded charity in making an impact, bowel cancer awareness month requires your help!
See https://www.healthequalsfreedom.com/cancer-resources/ for more resources.
#Bowelcancerawarenessmonth #earlydetection #bowelscreening #takethetest #bowelcancer
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